Monday, February 2, 2009


Haven't been able to write anything or something meningful (meningful, yeah rite..!) for I was away..As in not available, not around, not present to post any (meaningful) blogs..hehehe..

2 weeks back I went home for the holiday (CNY). Stayed home for almost a week. Didn't do much at home except lazed around, watched tv (i don't really get good tv action here), ate mom's great food, spent hours talking to my parents, played with my nephew and niece, attended an old friend's CNY open house, went to a family get together at my gran's house and oh, my mom made steamboat during my last day at home----> FANTASTIC !!!

wOW, i I actully did quite a number of socializings besides being totally unproductive the whole time I was home. heheh...

Hurm..I wanted this post to be different in a way that it would sound meaningful so that when u guys read it, you would actually get something out of it. Now, I'm not so sure. Okay..

I love holidays. Really do. Not because I get to laze around, watch tv, sleep all day or just like i said be totally unproductive. NO. It's not that (well maybe just a little bit-->HEHE).
I love holidays because I get to go home and be with my family. I'm a PhD student which means I don't get to go home much often than i used to when I was just an undergarduate. Long holidays don't come along all the time for us PhD students. Yeah, they have mid-semester breaks and final semester breaks, but we don't get to utilise that priviledge anymore. Our lives are now more confined to the Lab environment-->Doing research and all those smart things you see scientists do on Films (HEHE..). So, that's the point of holidays for me. Holidays mean family time.

Besides, I'm 25 this year while my parents are 56 and 55. We are not getting any younger. Each second passing is valuable. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. SO, for me, I'll take every chance I get to spend with my mom and dad. After all, they made the person that I am today. They are my life. So, if spending a little time with them means having that extra quality time with your 'LIFE' why not grab it?

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