My head is a little bit under the weather today. Just came back from my close to two weeks field trip in my study area in Temenggor Forest Reserve in Perak. I had to finish installing 72 traps in 24 ecological plots measuring at 20 m x 80 m each. I got there on Friday night, July 17th and was greeted by Jessica, a girl who was assigned by Dr Matthew Potts to execute all the ecological work he needs done in order for his own study to go smoothly. She offered to share her room with me since we were the only two girls in a sea of men surrounding the base camp. That was very nice of her since I got there with no knowledge of who was who. So, being offered a room and a bed was beyond my expectation. Yeah, the rest of the people in the camp has to sleep in their sleeping bags on the wooden floor of the wooden hut. Don't say that I got special treatment, as i have been there too (sleeping on the wooden floor) and done the same thing. It is safe to say that I got my fair share of experience like everyone else. When I carried my bags to Jess' room, I was introduced to another person of similar origin as Jess, Matt. i didn't get to see clearly how he looked like since it was super dark and the generator lamp didn't provide much assistant to my eye sight. We shook hands and i carried my stuffs inside...huhu..I didn't get to get acquainted with the rest of the camp residents as I went straight to bed right after I got settled in.
The next morning, during breakfast, i was told that the people they hired to help me would only be available on Tuesday morning. Damn, and it was only Saturday. The first thing that struck my mind was "Do u freaking expect me to freaking wait and freaking do nothing for the next 3 freaking days?" And I said 'HELL NOOOOO!!!' which no one could hear of course. But, obviously everyone could see the change my face made when I heard the news. Then, like an angel, Jessica said I could tag along with her group since they were going to one of the plots that I was supposed to go to too. Sweet !! I went and changed into my field my clothes and got my equipments and took a ride with the gang. We went to plot 5 and I managed to install three traps on my own. Cool.
Part 2 is coming..
Matters of science students
13 years ago
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